Prasarana Celebrates International Women’s Day!
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Prasarana Celebrates International Women’s Day!

This year, the United Nations is celebrating International Women’s Day under the theme Invest in Women: Accelerate progress—a bid to create a thriving world of opportunities, and empowerment which aligns with Prasarana’s social-impact UNSDGs.

Women’s Day

Stories like Malaysia’s first Indian lady LRT driver is one of our testaments and commitments to ensure that women aren’t left behind. And to further materialise our commitment as an organisation that is inclusive and diverse, we aim to have 30% of the managerial and Board of Director positions represented by women. We make this happen by rolling out our Talent Development Programme which offers capacity building activities that will help the women of Prasarana to set them up for success. Through various training and upskilling programmes, our female workforce are empowered and equipped to fill up the roles they deserve.

While we ensure the women of Prasarana grow within their careers, we also strive to provide a safe experience to our female passengers via our Women’s Coach project. Initiated September last year, the pioneer project aims to address sexual harassment issues during travels by establishing a women-only coach within the Kajang Line. As we’re seeing an increase in ridership on our trains, we believe the women-only coach will offer a safe space and comfort for our female passengers especially during peak hours.

Launching of Women’s Coach project

As we enter the third month of 2024, Prasarana looks forward to rolling out the women-only coach in other lines and continue empowering our female colleagues. There’s a lot to be done this year but let’s also ensure that we leave no one behind. Happy International Women’s Day!

Team Mobiliti
June 11, 2024

